Local Solutions For Every Industry on all Hawaiian Islands
Locally owned and operated business only in Hawaii for over 20 years.
There’s no place on Earth quite like Hawaii. The climate, the landscape, the food, the rich cultural heritage—all of these things and more go into making it such a special place.
We utilize our assessment tools and over 50 years of experience to create business solutions that will improve the capability and efficiency of your company.
We’ve become the trusted provider of office technology and managed services to customers on all the islands by combining the best solutions available with the highest level of Aloha.

No two clients are completely alike. At Integrated Business Solutions of Hawaii, we have learned that lesson very well over the years. That’s part of what has made us successful: We focus on designing cost effective solutions to meet our clients' unique needs. Here are some industries that we’ve served continuously and successfully.
Commercial Print
Small-Medium Enterprises

Being Hawaii’s largest locally owned and operated dealer we’re free to choose the best printers, copiers and software from the world’s top manufacturers of document and imaging equipment. Below is our listed authorized partners. Konica Minolta, KIP and NeoPost are our leading manufactures.